Technology Assessment


The Galician Agency for Health Technology Assessment (Avalia-t) is ACIS's area in charge of guaranteeing that decision making in the Galician Public Health System is done as objectively as possible and based on the best available information.

Mission. Constantly introducing new devices, drugs and clinical procedures is a challenge when deciding about implementing innovations into the healthcare clinical practice.

Avalia-t is in charge of assessing not only available scientific knowledge about the efficacy, effectiveness, security and efficiency of new health technologies, but also their healthcare, organisational, economic and social impact.

Its reports and other products are made available to professionals to be used as a basis for decision making. This ensures the security and efficiency of healthcare technologies and the system’s sustainable finance.

Addresses. The information prepared by Avalia-t addresses mainly health professionals and the managing organs of the health system, but Avalia-t also makes many efforts to offer specific products to cover the requirements of both patients and carers.

Find details of the products and tools that ACIS makes available through Avalia-t:

Agencia Gallega de Conocimiento en Salud

La Agencia Gallega para la Gestión del Conocimiento en Salud es una entidad pública gallega creada con la vocación de convertirse en el elemento nucleador del ecosistema de conocimiento e innovación en salud en Galicia.